Kolkata, India

Extreme Thankfulness and Recognition: A Path to Abundance

Hi, today I intend to speak with you regarding being in a state of severe thankfulness, extreme thanksgiving and extreme recognition. This is a mentality that is missing out on in several people today. Being enriched in whatever to all bountifulness and through that providing thanksgiving to God. Being in a state of severe thanksgiving and extreme gratefulness means being thankful and continuously thankful for what you have and what is coming to you. You have things that you believed for received by confidence and they are going to be your own.

The Power of Writing Down Your Gratitude

One of the things I have recommended in other videos is to jot down things you are grateful for. Keep a brochure in your automobile, one in your home or use index cards to write your appreciation. Write on something—a piece of paper, a small journal, whatever works for you. As you experience your day, make a note of things you’re grateful for and thankful for. It could be anything. When I locate a penny on the road, I write down that I’m thankful to God for that penny. Whether it’s a dollar I discovered or smooth traffic throughout the day, it matters not. Make a note of as many points as you can that you’re thankful for.

Receiving More Through Gratitude

This practice puts you in the attitude of being and receiving blessed where you see the bountifulness of God in your life. This isn’t almost offering splendor to God, although it is, but it also puts you in a state to obtain a lot more from God. A happy, appreciative, and thankful heart will receive a lot more and have more things to provide thanksgiving to God.

For many individuals, they don’t have more because their petitions to God are problems shrouded in spiritual language. They retell their situations, walk by sight, not by confidence, and speak boldly about what they want to obtain. They discuss what is taking place, not what they believe to get. They are not genuinely happy in their hearts, so they maintain obtaining the very same results because their confidence remains in what they see, not what they want.

Finding Gratitude in Every Situation

Wherever you are, whatever situation you’re in, you have something to be appreciative for. If you’re seeing this video and can comprehend it, you have several things to be grateful for. You have access to this content, the mental faculties to comprehend it, and the capacity to receive truth and have ears to hear. You have a lot to be thankful for and to value in the Lord.

Concentrate on that and regularly redirect yourself when you start walking by sight and fear, anxiety, or stress comes in. Redirect yourself to things to be grateful for, however large or small they might be. When you start doing that, you will start to see significant bountifulness in all things. You’ll be enriched in all bountifulness. There are no restrictions in God. The restrictions are self-imposed by not believing, walking by sight, and getting wrapped up in life’s things. When we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things shall be added unto us.

Living in a State of Continuous Thanksgiving

It’s not about having little mediocre things. If you are enriched in all things, you are doing the right things, following God, and being led by the Spirit. You will certainly have a bounty and be enriched in everything. That’s simply how it works. The trick is to frequently be in a state of thanksgiving, even if you feel like you don’t have anything to be thankful for. Sticking to whatever tiny thing you have, this practice will certainly open your eyes and you will start to see even more things to be glad for.

Way too many individuals concentrate on what they don’t want, which blinds them to the goodness of God in their lives. They shut off the flow of blessings by not searching for the goodness and blessings they already have. It’s like standing outside in the rain, with an umbrella, and wondering why you’re not getting wet.

Focusing on the Goodness of God

Focus on the goodness of God in your life, the blessings and things you’re grateful for. Think and speak about things of good report and admirable things. When you do that, you will certainly remain in a high vibration state of glory and praise of God, led by the Spirit, and you will have significant blessings. You will be enriched in every good thing and in all bountifulness.

Religion often shackles people, telling them they can’t have more or should simply be thankful for what they have. I’m telling you to be happy for what you have, not because that’s where it ends, but because that’s where it starts. No matter how much you have, you’re still just at the beginning of God’s goodness. There is no limitation in God. You can receive all good things and be enriched in all bountifulness. Being thankful for little things doesn’t limit you to just tiny points. It puts you in a state to obtain more. If you can’t get past this, you’ll never reach more.

Recognizing the Goodness and Wealth of God

Concentrating on little things you’re grateful for is about recognizing the goodness and wealth of God. You will receive even more and more. This allows you to do good unto all men, especially those of the house of faith, as Galatians 6:10 says. You can’t do great to people or bless and aid them if you’re in need yourself. This isn’t about consuming things upon your own desire. It’s about broadening, thinking for more, receiving more, doing more, and being more. Regularly grow to the next level because there’s no limit in God. You’re always growing in grace and God’s goodness.

My friend, I hope this is a blessing for you. May God bless you highly. You have several things to be thankful for. You have access to this content, the mental faculties to understand it, and the ability to receive truth and have ears to hear. You have so much to be grateful for and to appreciate in the Lord. Focus on that and constantly redirect yourself when you begin walking by sight and anxiety, fear, or concern comes in. Redirect yourself to things to be happy for, however large or small they might be. When you begin doing that, you will begin to see remarkable bountifulness in all things.

All these things will be added unto us. It’s not about having little average things. If you are enriched in all things, you are doing the right things, complying with God, and being led by the Spirit. You will certainly have a bounty and be enriched in everything. They shut off the flow of blessings by not looking for the goodness and blessings they already have. It’s like standing outside in the rain, with an umbrella, and wondering why you’re not getting wet.

Focus on the goodness of God in your life, the blessings, and the things you’re grateful for. Speak and think about things of good report and admirable things. When you do that, you will certainly be in a high vibration state of glory and praise of God, led by the Spirit, and you will have remarkable blessings. You will be enriched in every good thing and in all bountifulness. Religion often binds individuals, telling them they can’t have more or must simply be grateful for what they have. I’m telling you to be happy for what you have, not because that’s where it ends, but because that’s where it begins. No matter how much you have, you’re still just at the beginning of God’s goodness. There is no limitation in God. You can get all good things and be enriched in all bountifulness. Being grateful for little things doesn’t limit you to only small points.

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